
R&D Department - Kassidiaris

The Research & Development department of C&A STAVROS KASSIDIARIS S.A. with continuous training, scientific organization and proper planning undertakes the improvement of the production methods, the invention and creation of new shipping and electrical equipment products, the improvement of older products as well as the relevan certifications. In combination with the application of various reseraches and tests, the above lead to the increase of company’s competitiveness, to the reduction of the costs but also to the total improvement of the operating fields of the group (shipping – industry – building).

R&D Department

Briefly, the stages of the evolutionary process followed by C&A STAVROS KASSIDIARIS S.A. through the Research & Development department are:

  • Continuous monitoring of new technologies and regulations
  • Study, research and application design of “clean technologies”
  • Implement new programs to improve and reduce production costs
  • Creation, Development and Supervision of new products
  • Certification

The results of the research are used by the production engineers, the technical department and the administration to ensure the best quality and economical result.

Examples of application:

  • Development of new state-of-the-art products
  • Development of new transmitters with map communication for software settings
  • EMC, MARINE TYPE, ATEX certifications in specialized and certified laboratories
  • IoT sensor tracking system: Existing installed transmitter (temperature, pressure, level, etc.) of independent manufacturer that can be connected via wireless network, to be monitored remotely, in real time and notify the user if there is a problem and where.
  • Improving product production